Peter Pažitný, Slovakia

Peter is the managing partner of consulting company Pažitný & Kandilaki in Bratislava (SK, since 2017) and Lecturer of Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, guarantor of the specialization Management of Health Services and member of the Academic Senate at the University of Economics in Prague (CZ, since 2015).
He is the graduate of the University of Economics in Bratislava (1999), he helds a postgraduate MSc. Degree in health management services from the Semmelweis University in Budapest (2003), Ph.D. in Marketing in Healthcare from University of Economics in Bratislava (2015) and a doc. from the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Prague.
During 2002 – 2004, Peter was the chief advisor of Minister of Health Rudolf Zajac. He was fully responsible for the expert part of the health reform, for daily management of the Reform Team and for operative tasks linked to the ministry. 

During years 2005 - 2014, Peter was the founder and executive director of Health Policy Institute, a Bratislava based health policy think-tank.
In 2006-2007 he was member of Advisory Committee to Ján Gajdoš, Chairman of Healthcare Surveillance Authority in Slovakia. During 2006 – 2007, Peter was advisor to Lajos Molnár, Minister of Health in Hungary. Between 2007 – 2009, Peter was advisor to Tomáš Julínek, Minister of Health in Czech Republic.
Between 2010 and 2015, Peter was the specialist on hospital contracting in Plan MEDIPARTNER - an integrated health care Plan, where he was responsible for contracting hospitals, innovative payment mechanisms and communication with hospitals.
During 2010 - 2012, Peter was key health insurance expert of Eureko/Achmea in arbitration proceedings in case Eureka/Achmea vs. Slovak Republic. The arbitration was won by Eureka/Achmea.
Peter is a founding Member and Managing Director of CEE HPN.

Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.